Monday, October 31, 2011

Goobeetsa's 13 Toys of Halloween

Papercraft toy fans will not have missed Brian Gubicza's 13 Toys of Halloween this month!

Paper toys like the Mad Doctor, Vampires and Werewolves have slowly been taking over this Halloween. But what's that? You can see only twelve?

Well that's because the last one, is the Invisible Man! ;o) Go get them all from Goobeetsa's weblog: link

Zombie Freud is not one of Brian's original 13 Toys of Halloween, but his customization of Matt Hawkin's Paper Dude but I think you'll agree he fits right in! ;o)

You can get Zombie Freud here and if you still need a mask for Halloween, or want to build a paper toy version of Edgar Allan Poe or one of John Carpenter's cult movie icons like Captain Blake, Michael Myers, or Lo Pan, you can find the parts to do so on Brian's website here.

Happy Halloween and have fun haunting!

free papercraft Freiwillige Feuerwehr Sitzenberg fire trucks and fire station

The Freiwillige Feuerwehr Sitzenberg doesn't only have a whole bunch of papercraft fire trucks on their website, but a whole papercraft fire station! 🚒

Download + build your own free papercraft fire trucks and fire station (by Freiwillige Feuerwehr Sitzenberg):

Cut papercraft Sugar Girl

This papercraft Sugar Girl looks so sweet, you might need to schedule a dentist's appointment after building it...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Young Lara papercraft vignette WIP4

The 3D model of the stand/hang is very simple and pretty much finished, so now I can really start on young Lara herself.

The most important part of course, is making sure all the pieces are connected properly. But instead of creating a completely hollow shell, sometimes it's better I think to create an extra, flat surface to connect two parts together.

Sometimes this also helps to make the final model stronger (working like reinforcement "ribs") but for young Lara, that's not really a problem, because she won't be so big.

The most important reason here, is that I feel it will make building the separate parts and glueing them together much easier and much more fun. ;o)

Stay tuned!

free papercraft Köln tram line 7

jonas shared this papercraft on the murmelbahn inc. blog for everybody who remembers going on the Line 7 tram in Cologne, Germany.

Download + build your own free papercraft Cologne Line 7 tram (by murmelbahn inc): (archived link)

free papercraft buses

This is only a small example of the papercraft buses you can download for free from Onipapel!

free John Carpenter & Edgar Allan Poe papercraft toys

Here are some spooky characters for upcoming Halloween! 🎃👻

Papercraft kuifmees, ijsvogel & roodborstje birds

You can try out several of Johan Scherft's papercraft birds before you buy the rest! ;o)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Young Lara papercraft vignette WIP3

This is a quick view of the "stand" (I guess "hang" would be more appropiate...? ;o) that I imagined for young Lara; little dioramas like this are often called vignettes, and I think they look really nice! ;o)

I'm afraid I'm not being very faithful to the continuity here of the series, though, because the statue that young Lara from Tomb Raider 4 is swinging from, is actually one of the Vilcabamba statues from the original Tomb Raider 1 (and the spikes are from Tomb Raider 3 ;o)

But I thought it looked so nice (I really love the classic texture style of those games...!) that I hope you'll forgive me for that... ;o)

The size of the stand (hang?) will be determined by what size young Lara will be: I don't want Lara's parts to be *too* tiny of course, but even though I don't like making my models very big, I think the stand will turn out too big to fit on one page.

So that means it'll probably need to be cut in half.

Luckily, that's not really a problem with paper. ;o)

Stay tuned!