Thursday, January 2, 2020

Another cute free 2020 Year of the Rat papercraft

The Illustration Factory showed the making of this cute 2020 Year of the Rat papercraft on their weblog a little while ago; it's all in Japanese, but from the pictures you can tell they first scratch built the paper model, then when they were satisfied they took it apart to trace the handmade parts in a computer program (basically the same way I do my own hand drawn papercrafts!)

But the best part about Illustration Factory's 2020 Year of the Rat papercraft is of course: you can download the result for free! 🐀😊

Download + build your own free 2020 Year of the Rat papercraft (by Illustration Factory):

(download instructions: click the "サンプルページ" link just below the completed picture on the Illustration Factory's weblog)


  1. Replies
    1. You can download the template for free from the link my blogpost above; the only caveat is that you will have to print and build it yourself. :op It's not a tricky template though with only a few folds and gluing tabs so I'm sure you'll have no problem with that! Have fun building!
