Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Micro-scale papercraft battleship Yamato!

The picture says it all, this model is tiny! ;o)

That's because it will be the centerpiece of The MegaMoonLiner Paper Model Studio's Domain Kure Naval Museum papercraft model, just like in the real museum: link

The small size means 8 of them fit on one sheet of paper, so you can practice abit (and according to the creator, you will need it! ;o)

Download + build your own tiny papercraft Yamato battleship! (by MegaMoonLiner Paper Model Studio's Domain)


  1. How is this possible?

  2. Replies
    1. MegaMoonLiner changed websites a few times over the years under different names and it doesn't look like the download is there anymore... I've seen him still active on Facebook and a few years ago on DeviantArt (
