Monday, September 20, 2021

Unreal Prisoner 849 papercraft WIP 6 (almost there! :o)

Another Unrealguy papercraft update - now with head! (and ASMD Shock Rifle 😊)

I actually simplified the Shock Rifle a bit compared to the ingame version. I think it's pretty recognizable, though. 😉

Also, as you know if you've kept up to date, I made the final version a bit bigger than the test build, which was the same size as Quakeguy. Not a lot, though, so I think they still look great together, Quakeguy looking like a big bulky Tank and the Prisoner looking a lot more agile.

It probably won't be long anymore before I'll release Unrealguy, since I don't plan on doing anything really special (it's taken me long enough already compared to Quakeguy 😋) so stay tuned!

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