Saturday, December 10, 2011

Papercraft Star Trek 2009 Enterprise XI + spacedock

Dave changed his website a couple of times. The freebies that were on his website are now in the Free Stuff from Dave's Card Creations part of the forum that he created. You can download them from their appropriate threads by joining the forum for free and who knows what else you might find in the rest of the forum? 😉

Download + build your own papercraft Star Trek 2009 Enterprise XI + spacedock (+more, by Dave's Card Creations):

(download instructions: you'll have to register for free on Dave's forum website to get access)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for letting me know about the dead link! Luckily, Dave just rearranged his website a bit again, and his papercrafts are still available:

      Unfortunately enough though, it seems he decided to move the Enterprise XI and space dock models to his members only forum... You should still be able to get them, but you have to register at his forum now:

  2. Replies
    1. Hello! Dave keeps changing his site and links it seems! ;o)

      The models should be still available for free, you can check it with lots of others of Dave's papercraft creations: but like with one of the earlier updates, it will direct you to the forums where you you will have to register to access them: >
