Monday, December 5, 2011

Young Lara papercraft vignette WIP14

The "stand" isn't very difficult to make, but I just *had* to test build it to see what the completed papercraft vignette would look like. ;o)

I like the size of the stand, but I think I will make the final Lara a tiny bit bigger. The "rope" is just a strip of paper rolled up and glued as tight as possible, but like I said before, you could also use a piece of electrical wire or something like that.

The toothpicks I used as "Deadly Spikes" here actually look pretty nice, but on the final model, I'll also add some papercraft versions. ;o)

Stay tuned!


  1. I actually like the size of this, it makes it look all the more epic!

  2. I'm glad you like it! ;o) I want to make Lara a little bit bigger because her hands are very small, but you're right, not a lot of course!

    I think it will look even better when the stand has textures, so it looks like a statue: although it is from an "old" game and the textures are very simple, they still look very good for a papercraft vignette, I think! ;o)
