Tuesday, September 17, 2019

old Peramodel papercraft animals passcode

I remember seeing Keiji Kawaguchi's papercraft animals a long time ago. There were two sites, one was called Raspera, and one called Peramodel, both with lots of really nice papercraft animals! 🐦🐬🐘🐕🔐

For as long as I remembered, you could download a couple of free samples (a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a camel, a chimpanzee, a mandarin duck and a heron) but all the other papercraft PDF files from both sites were protected with a 5-number password that you had to buy before you could open them.

But at a certain point, I think somewhere in 2015 but I found out much later) it seems Keiji decided to share the passcode for all the papercrafts on the Peramodel site for free!

Later on unfortunately, that website was gone, but you can still visit it using the Wayback Machine, and you can see it from the time that Keiji shared the passcode for free and  lot of the downloads still work! 😀

NOTE: the 5-number password only works for the old Peramodel papercraft animals! Keiji Kawaguchi seems to have revived a new Peramodels website, even though it's with animals from the Raspera site originally, which have always had a different password that you always still had to buy (except of course the free samples) if you liked the Peramodels!

NOTE 2: Because there remains a lot of confusion because of all the changes over the years, I tried to explain it in this reply to a comment below this blogpost here: https://ninjatoes.blogspot.com/2019/09/peramodel-papercraft-animals-passcode.html?showComment=1683365074553#c5287036532526849823

Download + build your own free old Peramodel papercrafts (by Keiji Kawaguchi, find the  5-number password at the top of the archived website):

(download / opening instructions: find a download that still works from the archived version of the old Peramodel site (a lot of them still do). If they have downloaded correctly, then use the 5-number password that is mentioned at the very top of the archived website)


  1. Heyo!
    I would like to ask if you personally have the password because the website doesn't seem to be working...
    I would really like to craft some of these animal models but I don't have a way to pay the fee.


    1. It is sad to hear... :o(

      But with the 'Wayback Machine' you can see an archived version of the website, with the passcode mentioned at the top of the page: https://web.archive.org/web/20180314221427/http://www.venus.dti.ne.jp/~kpd/member.html

      It seems the downloads also still work this way (maybe not all of them, but still a lot I think).

      I hope this helps, have fun papercrafting!

  2. What is the password?


    1. It can be a bit confusing because there were two websites at fist (Raspera and Peramodel) and Keiji Kawaguchi only shared the password for Peramodel at a certain point. Then that site went away, and you can only see that version with the free password if you use the Wyback Machine link:

      Then you can see the "password" it's not really a pass"word" but a passcode of 5-numbers at the very top of the archived website. I have added a picture showing where you can find the 5-number password on the archived website.

      - The password only works on that website, NOT on the new http://www.peramodel.com/english.html website (but you can find the old free samples through there: http://www.venus.dti.ne.jp/~kpd/ ;o)

      - I think most downloads still work, but maybe you come across a PDF file that says it is "damaged" if you try to open it after downloading. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about that, it means the Wayback Machine didn't save a proper version of that particular model. But like I said, at I think most of them still work okay.

      I updated the post a bit, I hope it explains things a bit better again and that the extra image helps finding the password, have fun!

  3. What was the passcode?

  4. the new site is at www.kpd.myportfolio.com

    1. It looks like they're from the "old" Raspera section of his works (the new/current Peramodel; it' still a bit confusing.... :op) that have more realistic textures!

      I'm not really familiar with Adobe Stock though, so I don't know if it's just a showcase for companies like Magazines or Catalogs to see his work and maybe hire him to do a papercraft for them, or if it is an alternative way to sell his papercraft animals besieds his own website? Thanks for showing the rest of us!

  5. hey, i'm making a chihuahua papercraft from one of these websites that i found on pinterest but i can't seem to access the website, do you know what the difference is in the folds when they have a green dot and when they have a pink one? do they need to be folded differently?

    1. There's not a real standard of symbols I'm afraid, everybody really just uses their own symbols, and sometimes they change their methods after a time... So It's impossible to tell just from a descriprion.

      Usually papercrafters use different kinds of dashed lines to indicate different kinds of folds, but it's possible that on the template you found they used differentnt color dots? Normally, most folds are mountain folds (where you fold the paper "down") so you could see if it makes sense the fold all green dots one way and the pink ones the other...?

      Or if it's not on all the flaps, maybe the creator just used the dots to indicate "glue the flaps with the green dots to one side and the flaps with the pink dots to the other side.

      I'm sorry I can't help you better, but I hope if you try out what you think they meant without glue first you can see if it ends up looking like the finished result if you have a picture of it, and that way try it out with a little bit of trial and error!

  6. what about the passcode for peramodel 2

    1. It remains confusing to understand what everybody means, because the creator (Keiji Kawaguchi) used different names and websites for his wonderful animal papercrafts over the years; I think what you mean by "Peramodels 2" is what I described under point 4) but unfortunately, you could never download them for free, sorry!

      1) The original models from this blogpost were on a site called Peramodel: you needed a member password that was the same for all the papercrafts to open the downloaded PDF files that Keiji Kawaguchi gave for free on that website since 2015.
      You can still download a lot of those papercrafts (maybe all of them?) and see the password on this archived version of that website: https://web.archive.org/web/20180314221427/http://www.venus.dti.ne.jp/~kpd/member.html

      2) There have always been (even before 2015) free samples on the Peramodel website: those samples were not password protected.
      You can still download all 5 free samples on this archived version of that website: https://web.archive.org/web/20210309194431/http://www.venus.dti.ne.jp/~kpd/peramodel.html

      3) There was a website called Raspera where Keiji Kawaguchi had more papercraft animals that he continued to sell to make money from his hard work by selling a different PDF file password: https://web.archive.org/web/20150406061530/http://raspera.com/english.html
      However: that password was never given away for free: I do not have it and even if I had it, I would not give it away to let somebody basically steal his hard work!(what kind of thief do you think I am?!)

      4) At some point Keiji Kawaguchi changed the Raspera website name to Peramodel (I think that makes it super confusing now)...
      Unfortunately for people that like those papercraft animals, as far as I can tell they are the same papercrafts from the website that I talked about in point 3) and like I said there, he never gave the password for those papercraft animals away for free...

      5) User TopCat mentioned that Keiji Kawaguchi has an Adobe Stock account (at least in 2022 and 2023).
      It seems that you can get them by buying them from there: https://stock.adobe.com/nl/contributor/209015133/%E5%B7%9D%E5%8F%A3%E5%9C%AD%E5%8F%B8?load_type=author&prev_url=detail

      And that's all I know in 2023! ;o)
