Friday, May 31, 2013

Papercraft Liancourt Rocks / Dokdo / Takeshima disputed islets!

The Liancourt Rocks (Franco-English) / Dokdo (Korean) / Takeshima (Japanese) in the Sea of Japan / East Sea are a group of rocky islets that are claimed by both Japan and South Korea.

Ueda City papercraft trains!

Regular versions of the chibi trains from yesterday! ;o)

Download + build your own regular papercraft trains (by Ueda City):

(click the PDF links underneath the pictures)

Papercraft "Bad Taste" graffiti subway car!

Train cars and subway cars are a favorite target for people with spray paint cans at night...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Papercraft Neoplan Cityliner buses!

MegaMoonLiner made a pack of 11 different papercraft Neoplan Cityliner buses!

Large-size papercraft video game characters!

lubre53 released the files for his large-size (1 meter +) papercraft Unreal Heavy Mech, Infinity Blade God King, Street Fighter Chun Li and Battle vs Chess Black Queen!

Cute papercraft Volkswagen vans in different colours!

Cute papercraft Volkswagen vans in several different colours!

Chibi papercraft trains!

Lots of cute, chibi papercraft trains!

Download + build your own chibi papercraft trains (by Ueda City):

(click the pictures for the PDF parts files)

Petoy bear papercraft toy!

"Petoy" stands for "Pet-Toy", although maybe it's not such a good a idea to have a bear as a pet...? (well maybe a paper one is okay ;o) papercraft buses!

Lots of papercraft Setra, Mercedes-Benz, Neoplan, MAN, Volvo and Cobus buses!

Download + build your own papercraft buses (by (archived link)
(click the "zu den Bastelbögen" link, then one of the company logos on the next page, and then the small bus icons for the PDF parts files)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Papercraft Naver LINE Cony the bunny!

LINE is kind of Naver's version of WhatsApp, an instant messaging application for smartphones and PCs. Instant messaging isn't the only thing you can do with LINE though, and being a Japanese company, naturally Naver created lots of über-cutesy characters in their Sticker Shop to promote their product, like Cony the bunny! ;o)

Papercraft Mount Aso volcanic crater!

Another papercraft part of Japan by the Hokkaido-Chizu Company, Mount Aso volcanic crater! (just like mount Fuji and several others before)

Download + build your own 3D papercraft Mount Aso crater freebie (+more, by HCC Craft):

(click the template thumbnail for the PDF parts file)

Papercraft Total Annihiliation Core Instigator tank!

After repainting some papercraft Warhammer 40K models (Patoroch's Thunderbolt and Lightning Strike aircraft), Michael is back with a new Total Annihilation unit, the Core Instigator! ;o)

Kunai Dagger papercraft aircraft, mecha robot and tiny people!

Original papercraft "Kunai Dagger" aircraft, mecha robot and tiny people!

Queen's Blade Izumi and Menace papercraft toys!

Every four years, female fighters dressed in their revealing ehm, battle costumes, I guess...? travel to Gainos to determine who is the best fighter in the "Queen's Blade" tournament!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Papercraft Tomb Raider II 40 Fathoms Lara Croft vignette release!

After "young Lara" from Tomb Raider IV, my second papercraft vignette is finally finished: Lara in her iconic SOLA wetsuit from Tomb Raider II's underwater levels!

Papercraft Farman F.250 passenger airplane!

Papercraft 1931 small, 4 passenger airliner Farman F.250!

Papercraft Star Wars General Grievous!

General Grievous was the cyborg commander of the Federation's Droid Army during the Clone Wars.

Papercraft Planet of Death Darksmil race car!

Another "POD" ("Planet of Death") race car (after the "Scorp" earlier): "Darksmil"!

Papercraft Einhänder Alligator spaceship!

The "KP-07a Alligator" is a huge, laser-firing spaceship from the 1997 video game "Einhänder"!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Disney's prince Aladdin papercraft toy!

Of course you need a papercraft toy Aladdin to go with Jasmine! ;o)

Papercraft Tomb Raider II 40 Fathoms Lara Croft vignette WIP 5!

My new papercraft Tomb Raider II "40 Fathoms" vignette is almost ready for release! ;o)

Saved By The Bell papercraft toys!

"Saved By The Bell" was a 1989-1993 sitcom (which is still often shown on reruns!) about an American high school with now famous characters like Jessie Spano (who was always protesting something), A.C. Slater (the muscular hunk), Zack Morris (who was always scheming the gang into but in the end also out of trouble again - most of the times...), Kelly Kapowski (Tiffany Amber-Thiessen, the pretty all-American girl next door), Lisa Turtle (the trendy girl) and Samuel Powers (better known as the nerdy "Screech", who had a crush on the trendy Lisa).

Arrested Development G.O.B. and Tobias Fünke papercraft toys!

"G.O.B." (George Oscar Bluth, here seen on his Segway) and Tobias Fünke (trying to be a Blue Men Group member here) are two characters from the American sitcom "Arrested Development".

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Papercraft Strike Witches Raisa Pöttgen!

From the same person that made the "Girls und Panzer" Sturmgeschütz III tank before, comes a papercraft Strike Witches* character, Raisa Pöttgen!

(*about a bunch of teenage girls that use airplane parts attached to their legs to fly and fight in the sky like airplanes with huge guns and cannons...)

Disney's Aladdin Jasmine papercraft toy!

Jasmine is a princess, and Aladdin is just a common thief - and yet they are the only two that can save the kingdom of Agrabah from the evil Jafar!

Papercraft Star Wars count Dooku!

Once a Jedi Master, count Dooku falls to the Dark Side of the Force, believing that the Old Republic has become corrupt and must be destroyed so it can be replaced with a new Galactic Empire that can bring new order to the chaos...

Papercraft 2013 Dodge Dart!

The new Dodge Dart is said to be the most technologically advanced car in its class!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Official NASA Kepler space telescope papercraft model!

NASA's Kepler space telescope ran into trouble this week, the cause of which might be a problem with the gyroscopic reaction wheels which are supposed to hold the spacecraft steady while it takes pictures of distant stars...

Papercraft Marvel's Avengers Thor! (cartoon version)

Besides being the Norse god of thunder, Thor is also a comic book hero as part of The Avengers! ;o)

Papercraft Adventure Time pygmee elephant friend Tree Trunks!

Poethetortoise made a new weblog which will be all about Adventure Time papercrafts models, and the first one is Tree Trunks, Finn and Jake's pygmy elephant friend!

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona4 Graphig papercraft toy Naoto Shirogane!

Papercraft toy of Naoto Shirogane from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona4, Graphig style!