Tuesday, June 30, 2015
2D papercraft Star Trek standies & 3D shuttlecraft "Nimoy"
This Forum Hoard of 2D Star Trek standies and even a simple 3D shuttlecraft was made as a tribute to Leonard Nimoy, who played Mr. Spock in The Original Series.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
On This Day 2014: papercraft LEGO Star Wars golden C-3PO
When I made my papercraft LEGO Star Wars C-3PO "mini"fig, I decided to make two versions: a regular, affordable version, and a 14k gold version! ;o)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
papercraft Pokémon Tyranitar
Tyranitar is an evolved form (via Pupitar) of the Pokémon Larvitar.
Download + build your own papercraft Pokémon Tyranitar (+lots more, by Javierini):
Friday, June 26, 2015
virtual reality papercraft smartphone tank stereoscope
No papercraft tank from "World of Tanks" this time, but a virtual tank reality papercraft smartphone stereoscope!
As I understand, it works a bit like the the Google Cardboard VR Viewer, with an app (Littlestar) for your smartphone which is to be placed inside these cardboard goggles, so you can look around inside different tanks (like the T-55, Sherman, Leopard and Chieftain) in virtual reality! ;o)
papercraft Disney Planes: Fire and Rescue Blade Ranger helicopter
paper-replika.com made a friend for their papercraft Dipper, from the Disney animation "Planes: Fire and Rescue": Blade Ranger, the brave fire & rescue helicopter! ;o)
Thursday, June 25, 2015
papercraft "Five Nights at Freddy's" Phone Guy
The "Phone Guy" is the previous security guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, who recorded several warning messages for the new night security guard (you! ;o) to let them know about the, ehm... situation, I guess...? with the animatronic characters at the restaurant at night...
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
papercraft Pokémon Mega Charizard
Charizard is the final form of one of the first Pokémon, Charmander (#004), but to keep the series alive he can also Mega evolve! ;o)
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
papercraft Pokémon Vanillite
Although summer has officially started in the Netherlands, it hasn't exactly been very sunny yet... Maybe an ice cream Pokémon like Vanillite can get us in a summer mood! ;o)
papercraft "Mad Max: Fury Road" papercraft War Rig truck
After the "Marvel's Avengers 2" Hulkbuster, paper-replika.com is making another papercraft model from a movie, this time it's the War Rig truck from "Mad Max: Fury Road"!
Download + build your own papercraft "Mad Max: Fury Road" papercraft War Rig truck (by paper-replika.com):
(don't forget the PDF-file password mentioned on the paper-replika.com website!)
(don't forget the PDF-file password mentioned on the paper-replika.com website!)
papercraft mandrake
There are many superstitious stories about the human-like shapes that the mandrake plant can have, and that's certainly true for this version! ;o)
Monday, June 22, 2015
papercraft Captain Toad
It's been a long time, but Ultimate Papercraft is back, with a new website ánd a new paper model: Captain Toad from Nintendo's Mario series! ;o)
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
papercraft Pokémon Mega Beedrill
In the series "where do Pokémon get their English names from?", I have to say that in the case of Beedrill, the "-drill" part is pretty obvious, but other than that, I really think he looks more like a wasp than a bee... ;o)
papercraft "Frozen Fever" Anna summer bust
With some help from PaperJuke, Orel67 made this papercraft bust of Anna, in her summer outfit from Disney's short movie "Frozen Fever".
Friday, June 19, 2015
D-Day Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II + scaled up original version
A Viper Mk.II space superiority fighter with "invasion stripes" would have been a sight during the World War II D-Day landings on June 6, 1944...! ;o)
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Japanese folklore Kintaro and teddy bear papercraft toys
More Japanese folklore from Bocchino Kamiasobi! ;o)
Kintaro ("Golden Boy") was raised by a mountain witch, growing superhuman strong and becoming friends with the wild animals, like (teddy?!) bears.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
papercraft Pokémon Aipom
Monday, June 15, 2015
papercraft "Bioshock Infinite" Elizabeth
Elizabeth is one of the main characters in the "Bioshock Infinite" video game. (this is a *big* model, 86 cm tall!)
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Papercraft Pokémon Froakie
The inspiration for some Pokémon species might not always be very apparant, but in the case of Froakie, I can't help but think they must have had a croaking frog in mind... ;o)
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Zelda Spirit Tracks Chancellor Cole papercraft release!
This one took me so long because I've been so busy with other things... ;o) But here it finally is: Chancellor Cole, from the Nintendo DS game "The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks"!
Friday, June 12, 2015
papercraft Pokémon Venipede
The name and appearance of the Pokémon Venipede tell you exactly what it basically is: a poisonous bug! (specifically, a venomous centipede ;o)
Thursday, June 11, 2015
papertoyadventures.com create-your-own-papercraft-toy-app in the works
Paper Toy Adventures is working on their own create-your-own-papercraft app like PaperChibi or Foldify! (or these classic Flash tools ;o)
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
papercraft 1993 Jurassic Park Ford Explorer tour vehicle
The new "Jurassic World" movie premieres tomorrow; it's amazing to think that the original "Jurassic Park" is from 1993 already...! ;o)
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Cute DanMachi Hestia papercraft toy
Hestia is a deity in the manga series "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" ("DanMachi" for short ;o) who has taken a personal liking to the 14-year old would-be adventurer Bell Cranel...
Monday, June 8, 2015
Zelda Spirit Tracks Chancellor Cole papercraft WIP 6
It took a while, but my papercraft Chancellor Cole project is really finally nearing completion! ;o)
papercraft 1956 Hughes AIM-4G Super Falcon air-to-air missile
The Hughes AIM-4G Super Falcon is an updated version of the first (not very effective) Hughes AIM-4 Falcon air-to-air missile.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Papercraft KanColle girl Satsuki
A new Kantai Collection girl from Sumatorausagi: Satsuki, who personifies a Mutsuki-class destroyer in the game!
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Bob Boyle's Rosie & Rex as simple papercraft toy
Rose & Rex are characters from a children's book, created by Bob Boyle.
Download + build your own Rosie & Rex papercraft toy (+lots more, by Desktop Gremlins):
Friday, June 5, 2015
papercraft Hollandic Water Line fortress and more
Paper presse-papier (oh, the irony... ;o), Hollandic Water Line fortress, and Bouwplaten Bulletin logo.
Download + build your own papercraft Hollandic Water Line fortress and more (by Lex Tempelman):
fanmade scratchbuilt Monument Valley papercraft
This one is scratchbuilt, so no download, but I thought it was cool: Diesel Knights made a papercraft of one of the levels from "Monument Valley" (and if you like it, you can do the same of course! ;o)
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Papercraft "Gatchaman" Gatchaspartan plane
Some fans called the "Gatchaspartan" aircraft from the Gatchaman series "the paper airplane", because it looked so much like one. And now, it really is a paper airplane! ;o)
Papercraft Pokémon Chespin
A Pokémon that's (at least I think) is a bit cuter than the last one: Chespin, a cute cross between a chestnut and an urchin! ;o)
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Cute "Sailor Moon" papercraft toys
The "Sailor Moon" anime series is already sugar sweet, and these papercraft toys are even cuter...! ;o)
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