Tuesday, May 29, 2018

papercraft Dragon Ball Z Goku and Frieza wall breaker sculptures

So, which of these two papercraft Dragon Ball Z characters would rather have your house? Goku, or Frieza...?

Download + build your own papercraft Dragon Ball Z Goku and Frieza wall breaker sculptures (+more, by RondiPaper):

(download instructions: click the "Download PDO" button on RondiPaper's website to be taken to the Google Drive download pages; if you don't already have a tool to open *.rar files, use a free one like 7-Zip, and then after unpacking use the free Pepakura Viewer to open *.pdo files!)

1 comment:

  1. Obrigado pela referência e maravilho Storytaller sobre o jantar.

    Eu pretendo criar novos modelos de parede além de projetos articulados, minhas inspirações foram e são:

    Meus amigos Titanpapercraft, Eduardo e Shaman.

    Mas agradecimento especial a todos meus rivais que disseram que eu nunca chegaria aqui. Obrigado por vocês existirem sem as dificuldades impostas, nunca teria chegado ate onde cheguei sem você, cada não foi um degrau a mais para esse e muitos outros sucessos, e vejam ainda tenho muito caminho a percorrer.


    @Rondipaper (instagram)


    Thanks for the wonderful reference and Storytaller about dinner.

    I intend to create new wall models besides articulated designs, my inspirations were and are:

    My friends Titanpapercraft, Eduardo and Shaman.

    But special thanks to all my rivals who said I would never get here. Thank you for existing without the difficulties imposed, I would never have gotten to where I arrived without you, each one was not an extra step for this and many other successes, and see I still have a long way to go.


    @Rondipaper (instagram)
