Sunday, January 3, 2021

free papercraft SS France ocean liner / SS Norway luxury cruise ship and Ann Moran tugboat by Thanadol Group

Thanadol Group wishes you a Happy New Year with three new papercrafts for the price of one (meaning totally free 😉): the ocean liner SS France, which was later refitted and renamed as the luxury cruise ship SS Norway and the tugboat Ann Moran

Oh, and although the templates say "ninjatoes" because Thanadol Group lets me post their papercrafts on my weblog here, they are completely made by Thanadol Group! 😀 Be sure to visit their website:

Download + build your own free papercraft SS France ocean liner / SS Norway luxury cruise ship and Ann Moran tugboat (+more, by Thanadol Group):


  1. I want SS France Ocean l'onere ship pls😟😟

    1. These papercrafts were actually created by Thanadol; he added my name on the picture because when he wanted to share his papercrafts with others but he didn't have his own website and he asked me to share the Google Drive download links directly on my papercraft weblog (normally I only share the creator's website link because I don't want it to look like I steal their papercrafts...!)

      But of course Thanadol is still the one that owns the files for his papercrafts, and who created the download links for them. Unfortunately, it is possible that he moved the files so the links don't worek anymore, or that deleted them completely... I know that he is still active with papercraft though, although he likes to use a new name now: Retrocale.

      I actually don't know if he has his own website now, but he does have a Facebook profile: link The best option is to try and contact him and ask if he still has the papercraft and if still wants to share it with you? (you can ask a family member or a friend to try and get in touch with him if you don't have a Facebook account yourself)

      I'm sorry tht I can't help you better than this, I hope you will be able to get in touch with Thanadol / Retrocale to adk for these paper models!

  2. the files no longer exist :(

    1. I'm afraid I can't help with things like that since I never hosted it myself, sorry... :o(
