Sunday, June 30, 2024

free papercraft NASA X-59 QueSST supersonic jet

Every plane that flies faster than the speed of sound generates supersonic booms. 🔉🛫

As part of their STEM effort to inspire people about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Quiet SuperSonic Technology, QueSST is NASA's mission to demonstrate how their X-59 jet can fly supersonic while minimizing the sound of those booms so maybe in the future supersonic air travel over lands can be allowed? 😀

Check out NASA's QueSST Resources page to find lots more fun activities to do about the X-59!

Download + build your own free papercraft X-59 QueSST supersonic jet (by NASA):

(download instructions:  click the "View X-59 Desktop Model" link on NASA's "Quesst STEM Resources" page)

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