Saturday, July 20, 2024

a (papercraft ;o) Dutch windmill in Bangladesh!

And now, for something completely a little bit different: I decided to share a little video of my visit to the Zaanse Schans last year during my summer vacation.

Why? Because I'm happy that I can update everybody about the Zaanse Schans papercraft windmill giveaway that I did in June: 😃

You already knew that the winner was du.urmi: she lives in Bangladesh so it took a while for the prize to reach her but this week she could let me know that it finally arrived! 👍

She and her little sister were very excited and they already started working on it. They still had to do the part that makes it a windmill of course as you can see:

I think so far it is looking great and I hope they'll have lots of fun together finishing their papercraft windmill!

Stay tuned for new giveways and lots of free papercrafts that you can download yourself; have fun!

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