Sunday, May 19, 2024

free papercraft windmill giveaway! (deadline June 14th, 2024)

One of my trips during last year's summer break was to the open air museum the Zaanse Schans in the Netherlands. Because my last free giveaway was so long ago, I want to do a new one of a papercraft windmill I got there! (because I'm Dutch, sawmills are cool and I love papercraft).

The Zaanse Schans is one of the oldest industrial areas in Europe: all wind powered of course (long before steam power revolutioned industrial fabrication). There are only a few windmills left, including "Het Jonge Schaap", a sawmill which I though was the coolest one. 😊
(and if you don't agree then I guess you'll just have to visit the Zaanse Schans yourself and get a papercraft of one of the other ones? 😉)

The kit was made by STRM and it's not very big (three sheets folded to 14 cm by 29,5 cm) so I can send it all over the world in a strong cardboard envelope so that it won't bend. Assembled, it's about 16 cm by 28 cm wide and about 16 cm tall and you'll probably finish it in an evening or afternoon with ease. 👍

The Giveaway:
  1. The giveaway is open to anyone from anywhere around the world!
  2. To enter, just leave your name and email address in the Google Form below.
  3. The deadline is June 14, 2024.
  4. Once the deadline has passed, I'll draw one random winner and then contact that person for their shipping information (I will pay for shipping myself so don't worry about that).

If you're underage, make sure to ask a parent or guardian first if it's okay to share that information for this giveaway!

That's all you have to do really: good luck and have fun! 👍

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