Sunday, February 12, 2012

Papercraft LEGO Forestman WIP 1

It's not a LEGO Robin Hood, it's a LEGO Forestman! (any similarities are completely coincidental ;o)

Just like with real LEGO minifigs, many parts can be re-used from my other papercraft minifigs after a quick colour change. And the new torso decorations are easily copied from an enlarged 2D scan from an actual Forestman minifig.

I also use 2D scans of the real minifig to make the new 3D parts: the archer's hat with the small feather/plume, and later on I'll also make a bow and quiver (if you look closely, you can see I already made a crude start with the quiver).

Stay tuned!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think the archer's hat is the easy part; the bow and arrow will be more difficult to make look right... ;o)
