Thursday, June 30, 2016
Papercraft 2016 Epson NSX Concept-GT race car
Epson is an avid racing sponsor, and they have lots of papercraft versions of their race cars! This is a very detailed version of the 2016 Epson NSX Concept-GT for instance. ;o)
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Papercraft Mr. Bricolage TransAt racing boat
The Transat Jacques Vabre is a Trans-Atlantic sail race from the French port of Le Havre to Itajaí, in Brasil.
In the 2011 edition, the team "Mr. Bricolage" competed in the Class-40 sailboat you see above! (well, a bigger version of course, and not made from paper... ;o)
Monday, June 27, 2016
Papercraft village of Pretzschendorf
If you imagine a small, old German village, I bet it looks something like Pretzschendorf in your head! ;o)
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Cute papercraft ASIMO
Honda made their own cute ASIMO papercrafts in different colours, but this paper toy version Fold Up Toys based on a drawing by captainalec takes a lot less time. ;o)
Saturday, June 25, 2016
"The Dukes of Hazzard" General Lee X Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II papercraft
(Re-)imagine what the 2005 remake of "The Dukes of Hazzard" could have been like, if it would have had a Battlestar Galactica setting...
Lots of opportunities for Bo and Duke to "jump" their General Lee, and maybe with Daisy Duke turning out to be a Six? ;o)
Friday, June 24, 2016
Papercraft drop-arm turnstiles
It sounds silly, but I really enjoy it when companies put a papercraft of their product on their website! ;o)
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Papercraft chicken-leg-cabin-with-cannon and other fighting vehicles
A tank is a fighting vehicle that combines speed, armor and firepower. It says nothing about the actual design of the tank, so you can get some very strange contraptions... ;o)
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Papercraft Kirby: Planet Robobot Armor
In some games like "Kirby: Planet Robobot" you can gain special abilities or gain access to bonus content when you connect an amiibo figure.
But where do you leave your amiibo when you're not using it...
Well, why not put it on a papercraft Robobot Armor? ;o)
Monday, June 20, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Papercraft "Clash Royale" King
The King has left your portable device, and entered the real world as a papercraft! (well, first you have to build it, of course ;o)
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Papercraft Centurion tank and Sherman T10 Mine Exploder
One of the main advantages of tanks like the Centurion, is that they allow your army to bring heavy firepower to the frontline with great speed!
...unless you encounter a minefield, which can stop an advancing tank army dead in its tracks (some pun intended). Then you will need a vehicle like the Sherman T10 Mine Exploder to clear a path. ;o)
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
papercraft Mondorf Giesenshof
With all the papercrafts that the Kallboys made already (including the new Giesenshof), it's as if we know their hometown Mondorf ourselves! ;o)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Papercraft Dragon Quest Builders blocks
After the backpack and treasure chests that are found in the Dragon Quest universe, here are some official papercraft Dragon blocks that make the Dragon Quest Builders world! ;o)
Monday, June 13, 2016
Papercraft asteroid mission OSIRIS-REx spacecraft
"Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer"
Someone really wanted the initals to spell out "OSIRIS-REx"...
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Papercraft Advance Wars Black Hole Cruiser WIP2
You know it! After the test build, it's time to colour in the hand drawn parts! (...after fixing any mistakes/parts that didn't fit right during the test build ;o)
Stay tuned!
Saturday, June 11, 2016
free papercraft Subaru cars
UPDATE: the white papercraft car on the Subaru Auto Accessories site seems to have been replaced by a Subaru 2016 NBR WRX race car! 😊

Download + build your own papercraft Subari Impreza Sport (by Subaru Auto Accessories):
old papercrafts from 2016:

papercraft Edo period yatai food stall
A "yatai" is a small, Japanese street food stall, and as shows us, they've been around at least since the Edo period! ;o)
Friday, June 10, 2016
Papercraft F105 jet fighter
The Tokyo Solid Model Club has updated its available papercraft aircraft with several versions of the F105!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Papercraft 1932 oldtimer car
The Okuma Corporation was founded in 1898, but this oldtimer is from 1932 - and the papercraft that is much newer! ;o)
The website is actually a Flash presentation, so it can a bit tricky to find the download link if you can't read Japanese, but I hope the step-by-step explanation below helps:
- First, go to the special 110th anniversary website of the Okuma Corporation, and click the "START >" button to start the presentation:
use the archived link instead:
- Wait for the year "1932" to come up (with the picture of a car) and then click the top "ダウンロード" button:
UPDATE: unfortunately, the Okuma Corporation 110th anniversary website is gone and since Flash support being has been discontinued in 2021 by Adobe and internet browsers, you can't get the papercraft directly from the original website anymore anyway, but you can still use the Wayback Machine to download it from an acrchived version of the site:
Have fun building! ;o)
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Mary Rose papercrafts
There are many famous ships, and the Mary Rose is one of them. Built in the early 16th century as a warship for the English king Henry VIII, she was lost during a battle with the French on July 19th 1545.
On The Mary Rose Museum website, you can find lots of information and stories about the ship, and several simple papercrafts having to do with the ship and life aboard! ;o)
Monday, June 6, 2016
Kamen Rider Ichigo 2016 papercraft toy
Kamen Rider Ichigo (the First Kamen Rider) made his debut 45 years ago, but he returned in the latest Kamen Rider movie this year! ;o)
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Papercraft Pokémon Wash Rotom
If you thought that all Pokémon are based on real life animals, think again! They can also be based on household appliances, like washing machines! ;o)
But wait, this means no new Generation 7 Pokémon papercraft?? I'm sure when the game comes out, there will be many more! (and let's not forget there are 720 earlier Pokémon (not counting Mega evolutions and whatnot...) to make too! ;o)
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Papercraft Advance Wars Black Hole Cruiser WIP1
Coming soon (well, I really can't promise any release dates...) to a papercraft webpage near you (or maybe on the other side of the world, it doesn't really matter nowadays with this internet thing and all ;o)
Friday, June 3, 2016
Papercraft Urayasu City low-floor bus
Many bus companies nowadays have special low-floor buses for people with reduced mobility, like people in a wheelchair, or elderly people.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
papercraft Spanish YouTube phenomenon ZellenDust
elmagohacemagia must like the gameplay and reaction videos that the Spanish Youtuber ZellenDust makes of video games (like Five Nights At Freddy's)?
The only other reason I can think of to make a papercraft of him is that he wants to make a voodoo doll, and I don't believe in that. ;o)
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Papercraft 7th Generation "Pokémon: Sun and Moon" Popplio
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