The RX-Tech Mines vignette test build is finally finished! 😀
It doesn't look very pretty, but don't forget: Lara did get hit in the head by a steel girder last time... -eh I mean: don’t forget, this is just a test build. 😉
The head is basically made out of three main parts: Lara's face, her hair and her ponytail - but did you know she didn't even have the ponytail she's now famous for in the first Tomb Raider game? 😉
So now, as the Straeh fo Neeuq Queen would say (well, yell): "On with her head!" 🂽 😊
Of course as always (literally - as always: no matter whether she's on the mythical island of Atlantis, high up in the Himalaya mountains, 40 fathoms under water, or deep inside a freezing mine on Artarctica... 😉) Lara has her trusty Dual Pistols and her bottomless Backpack (that she stole from a certain unfortunate fedora-wearing adventurer...) with her .
Also: how much fun would the obligatory no-weapons levels from the classic Tomb Raider games be if Lara could find a Wrench like this to whack enemies on the head with? 🔧😋
Now that the test build is done, all I have to do now is finish up the 3D model, unfold it again, put together the final templates, build the final version, take pictures while building the final version for the instructions, make the instructions, make a a release video and pictures, and upload it on my papercraft webpage to download for free!
...wait: that's actually still quite a lot of work; stay tuned! 😊
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