Sunday, February 11, 2024

Joanna Dark 64 papercraft WIP 3 update

Work on Joanna Dark 64 is progressing - very slowly...

I edited the textures to make them fit on the 3D model the way I think Joanna looks in the original Perfect Dark game on the Nintendo 64. A lot of the textures still don't match perfectly when repositioned, and I still have a lot work to do on them in general. I also made them just a bit crisper since I have to work on them so much anyway...

I reduced the number of polygons like I always do when I make a game model into a papercraft (so I don't end up with a million tiny paper parts for a game character from an over 20 years old game 😱) but then I added some extra polygons again because just like Quakeguy, game Joanna only has stubby blocks for hands, so I remodelled those into basic 3D hands like other games from that era so paper Joanna will be able to actually hold her Falcon 2 pistol!

Long story short: it's taking me a lot of time (which I don't really have at the moment...) but I'll get there! 😉

Stay tuned!

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