Friday, October 19, 2012

Papercraft Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Menu Link WIP 8: it's not a skirt!!

Part 2 of "Menu Link"'s test build!

Despite Link's sensitivity about this subject, the bottom part of his tunic went together very well, just like the legs! (but these really aren't the difficult parts of course ;o)

Stay tuned!


  1. Where a man in skirt and tights is standing and he pulls out his sword and FLEX (tobuscus literal trailer)

    1. Haha it took me a while and a Google search, but now I know what you were talking about: ;o)

      Yeah, you shouldn't take video games too seriously, otherwise you'll realize most of the things Link does (like eating the hearts of his enemies or stabbing them right in the eye...) should give normal people nightmares instead of having them cheer him on... ;o)

  2. Oops I for got "and slowly spins it around and FLEX"

  3. This is so cool.
    I really hope it turns out well and that you upload it for download. Also, I hope if/when you upload, his tunic is green instead of white lol :)
    But great job so far.

    1. Oh yes, in the final version, his tunic will be Hero Green of course, and I'll put the parts and instructions on my papercraft webpage as usual:

      I'm glad you like him so far, I'll try to make a new update on the test build soon.
