Sunday, April 10, 2016

Papercraft "LIINO" ("LEGO Indy In Name Only") WIP 5

Finding the time to papercraft is difficult, but not impossible! ;o)

I finished fixing all the pieces from the test build that I wanted to fix, and building my own final version.

I'm not the only one who thinks Indiana Jones and Han Solo are really not that different; see more very funny Greg's Comics on From Bricks to Bothans! ;o)

 Although LIINO isn't the real LEGO Indy, they had many of the same adventures. ;o)

So now I can start making everything ready for the release, including making instructions out of the 88 build pics...! (that may sound like a lot, but it's nothing compared to the 120 steps for the Black Knight ;o)

 (the black Knight has a lot more pieces and steps... ;o)

I have no idea when I'll have everything finished for the release, but stay tuned and you'll find out! ;o)


  1. It is available?
    If so ... when could it be possible?
    Thanks for your answers.

    1. It's not available yet, because I have to make the instructions and do the final fixes and finishing touches first.

      It's a busy time too, so that might still take a few weeks...!

      I'll make an announcement here on my papercraft weblog when I upload it on my papercraft download page: so you can download the parts and instructions from there then.

      Stay tuned! ;o)
