Friday, August 3, 2012

Papercraft Battlestar Galactica viper Mk.II build by Dan Edmund!

People that know SyFy's Battlestar Galactica re-imagined series from  will recognize the Viper Mark II space fighter of course! 🚀

This one is built by Dan Edmunds, using 60 lb paper for the hull (you can download the parts and instructions to build one yourself too for free from my papercraft website too: link! 😊)

He tells me he didn't build the internal framework, but it doesn't look like that is a problem really. 😉

See the hall of fame entry for lots more pictures of my papercrafts built by other people:

Have fun!


  1. where can i download this so i can build one myself? I am a huge Viper Mk 2 guy !!! Please help.
