Sometimes I just leave the backside of parts white even if they show, but on this model I think I'll just use the same method on the cloak as I did on the optional Ganon robe: making the (inverted) inside out of regular paper instead of cardstock and then glue the in- and outside together.
That way there's no need to worry about aligning the front- and backside for printing... ;o)
I also did some work on the hip guard and belts, and as you can see I started on the head, but I still have to remodel the hair so it won't be unnecessarily difficult to build. but I've got ideas for that. ;o)
So, the only real question that remains, is: fingers, or just a thumb? ;o)
(compare the hands of my American McGee's Alice with those of my Kim Possible or Final Fantasy models if you have no idea what I'm talking about ;o)
Stay tuned!