People were wondering about the transparant visor for Lara's
Extreme Depth Suit.
Transparant parts are great for things like these because you can see through them, but of course they also show things that you would rather hide; like
glueing tabs...
The best solution is not to have glueing tabs underneath the transparant parts of course, so that's what I did: I only kept the glueing tabs around the edges and
cut off the two in the center.
So you need a different way to have the visor keep its shape. And you can do that with
The transparant sheet is a bit stiff and rigid, and because I made nice, sharp folds, it already kept most of its shape (that's why
scoring and
pre-shaping are so important on models like these).
Then you can "
lock" the edges of the visor in place by glueing them to the other parts. When you pull them nice and tight so you get some tension in the sheet, the "loose edges" will be pulled together automatically and if you made clean, straight cuts, you can hardly tell that there's a gap between them!
Or you can use the
opaque visor and keep it simple(r). ;o)