Sunday, August 22, 2021

Unreal Prisoner 849 papercraft WIP 3 (upperbody, arms & hands)

I did Quakeguy during my summer vacation, but now that's over, you'll notice that Prisoner 849 is taking me a lot longer to finish, because I can only work on him during my scarce spare time... 😉

So it's slowly but surely and I did some more work since last week, particularly on the arms and upperbody.

How far you go in remodelling a game model for a papercraft is always a personal choice I think: you can keep the 3D model almost exactly as it is, create a completely new 3D model only using the game model to get the proportions and pose right, or go anywhere in between of course.

I usually try making it somewhere in between, in this case in a style that fits with my earlier Quakeguy papercraft, but that also still looks like it came from the Unreal game of course. 🙂

Oh, and do you remember Quakeguy's 'hands'? They were simple 'blobs' that I changed so the papercraft would be able to hold his gun, but in Unreal the hands are already kind of 2.5D;

The palms are 3D already, but all those tiny finger pieces were probably still too much to handle with the gaming technology of 1998 (no joke: just look at your own hands and count all the pieces that make up your hand,  and especially your fingers, realizing how thin and delicate they are!)

So Unreal's solution was to keep the fingers as flat, 2D pieces (like the hands on the papercraft Link I made for my Epona & Link papercraft!)

Which is great, because with hands like those, papercraft Prisoner 849 should already be able to hold his gun eventually! 🙂

Stay tuned!

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