Saturday, March 12, 2022

Let me know if you haven't heard from me if you participated in the NISSIN Cisco Tomica papercraft giveaway in February!

I have been trying to contact the prize winners of the Nissin Cisco Tomica milk biscuit boxes, and I've heard back from almost everybody now:

If you participated in
in February but haven't receieved an email from me, please contact me! 👍

So, originally, I got twelve NISSIN Cisco Tomica milk biscuit cookie boxes, which all have a cute free papercraft car on the packaging. There are six different designs of them, and I actually got a complete set (that I wanted to keep myself to be honest... 😋) already in that one go! 🚓🚑🚒🚚🚖🚘

And I figured, why not give the other ones away, just for fun? 😀

I had three of the ambulance design ones, so I put one together quickly to show what the papercrafts looked like, and how you could put them together without needing a knife or scissors or glue like you normally would with papercrafts you download from the internet (like my own 😉)

(that one unfortunately actually got damaged a bit: you have to be careful pushing the parts from the packaging!)

So I created this giveaway to originally choose 5 people to send them one of the extra cookie boxes with the papercraft I had:

 After a while though, 7 people responded and I felt kinda bad that two of them would be left out... Luckily, the cookies tasted really good, so I decided to get more! 😉

I got eight extra boxes, thinking it would be more enough since not many people responded in the giveaway. In the end, it was - just barely...

With one full set of six boxes I wanted to keep myself and the one I made (and damaged... 😕) to show as an example, the 20 boxes I had in the end were just enough to give away one to each of the 13 people that participated in the giveaway in the end!

The past few weeks I've been trying to contact everyone by email to ask for their address to send them their prize, and I heard back from almost everybody* now.

I was actually hoping to send out the boxes this week, but I'm afraid that I've been so busy that I'm a little behind on things I've been planning to do, sorry...! :o(

And I have to get more stamps

Like a lot more stamps...

I'll do my extra best to make it happen coming week though, and of course I'll let all of you know when the papercrafts finally get sent out, so please stay tuned! 👍

And please: I hope making everybody a winner doesn't make it feel less special. I really enjoyed making this little giveaway and even though the papercraft cars are really kinda simple of course, I hope you all have a little fun too! 🙂

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