Saturday, January 14, 2012

Papercraft webpoll: Why do you build papercraft models?

Why do you build papercraft models?

You can choose more than one answer, but you can only vote once!

To have a figurine of my favourite video game/cartoon/movie/etc.
For fun as a regular pastime.
Only out of boredom.
Other (don't hesitate to tell us in the comments! ;o)

For me, it's to have a nice figurine, and I find it such a fun hobby of course.

But why do *you* build papercraft models? ;o)


  1. I do papercrafts when I feel artsy but want to work with my hands.

  2. Yes, paper models do make nice display pieces, and it's nice to make something with yout hands. ;o)

  3. To get recognition?
