Saturday, December 28, 2013

Papercraft Advance Wars Black Hole (final) Infantry release!

With the Black Hole Infantry unit, all five papercraft Advance Wars Infantry units are done! ;o)

Get the parts and instructions to build all five papercraft Advance Wars Infantry units (and lots more! ;o) from my papercraft webpage:
Have fun building!


  1. you know they look like world war 2 soldiers from
    America:Red, Russia:Blue, Germany:green, Japan:Yellow

    and the black hole infantry look like toy astronauts

    1. Yes, some units are mixed and matched (like the Russian Hind helicopter as the Battle Copter for the "European" Green Earth army, or the American Willys Jeep as the Recon for the "Russian" Blue Moon army etc.) but I think over all, the creators behind the Advance Wars game tried to give each army their own distinctive real world counterpart! ;o)
