Monday, February 12, 2018

Official papercraft "Destiny" Siva nodes (and Metal Gear Survive papercraft Walker Gears pre-order bonus)

If you follow this papercraft weblog of mine, you know I love fanmade papercrafts (obviously, or I wouldn't make them myself too 😉) but "official" ones are always something special too!😃

They aren't always free or available to you though: the papercraft Walker Gears for example are a Japanese pre-order bonus from two specific places for Metal Gear Survive (depending on whether you pre-order it from Tsutaya or Sofmap you'll get the Soviet or CFA version).

If you want one these, you'll have to pre-order
the Japanese version of Metal Gear Survive...
And the ones that are are often pretty simple, like the "Destiny" Siva nodes from Bungie: I think Destiny "Festival of the Lost" papercraft mask aren't available anymore from the Bungie store, but the free Siva nodes papercraft link still seems to work.🙂

Download + build your own papercraft "Destiny" Siva nodes (by Bungie):


  1. Alright but where are the walker gears?

    1. If you wanted one of those, you had to pre-order specific Japanese versions of Metal Gear Survive. The game has been out since 2018 though so the pre-order promotion is over and not available anymore I'm afraid...! :o(
