Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Strike a pose Manny, any pose! not that one, another one!

With all that work capturing Manny in a nice pose from the game, to be honest I found him a bit stiff (some pun intended 😝) and I kinda really wanted him to have his scythe...

So I decided to create my own pose; and really, I did that just by rotating his arms and body and things a bit and moving them to get them in the right position, nothing fancy with rigging the skeleton (some pun... you know 😉) or anything.

I think he just looks a bit more interesting this way. Manny's 3D game model doesn't look too complicated really so I think he will make a really nice papercraft! As always, there are a few quirks, like his shoulders and elbows need to be remodelled so the paper parts will actually be connected together, but nothing I haven't done before on pretty much every video game character papercraft I made so far, so stay tuned to see me do it again... 😛

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