Sunday, November 14, 2021

Papercraft Doomguy WIP2 (3D remodelling)

As usual when I remodel a video game model for papercraft, I seem to end up starting with the legs.


I really dunno... 😋 Hey, you gotta start somewhere, and for a papercraft that will be living in the physical world instead of just on the computer screen, the legs will have to be balanced so that the paper model won't fall over all the time.

(usually that just means making sure the bottom of each boot is at the same level (in the game model, they are not!)

I do have to do a bit more remodelling, because this is the kind of 3D model that has a lot of collisions / intersections at the knees, waist, shoulders, neck, etc...

In the video game that doesn't matter, but it's not possible to do the same in a papercraft model of course! Usually I like to break a papercraft up into 'sections', and then if possible create a surface so that one section (e.g. the upper legs) can be glued easily to the next section (the waist).

Oh, and I redid the helmet a bit already, because it's so iconic and I wanted to see how much I could 'simplify' it with it still looking enough like the original to be instantly recognizable. 😊

Stay tuned!

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