Unfortunately, last week was so busy, tha tI didn't get around to sending out the prizes for the
NISSIN Cisco Tomica cookie boxes papercraft giveaway. 😟 I'm sorry to have kept you waitingf or so long, but as you can see, I've prepared the packages to send them out tomorow through the post office!
Also, two people still haven't gotten back to me yet to tell me where the packages should be sent! 😟 I'll sve themfor you though, should I hear frrom you in the future.
Speaking off which, I made this fun little map showing where the packages wil be going! (just the countries of course, not the exact addreesses. 😉
- Funny enough, only one of them is staying in Europe (Germany) as you can see;
- Most ofc them are going to the americas: USA and South America;
- Two are going to the island of Java in Indonesia;
- and oneto the most southern country of the African continent, South-Africa.
Also, as you can see, I'm sending them as regular letter post, which is a lot cheaper for me, so I hope you understand this decision.
Because of this though, I won't be be able to provide a track-and-trace number to follow the packages in transit, sorry. Butt I hope all the information was correct end that I addresssed all of them correctly.
The postal service gives these estimated delivery times fore each country, so I hope your prizes will arrive within thesetime frames:
- Germany: 2 - 4 business days
- Indonesia: 5 - 10 business days
- Chile: 5 - 10 business days
- Argentina: 6 - 10 business days
- South Africa: 6-10 business days
- Clombia: 7 - 14 business days
I hope you can be a patient a little while longer and that you will enjoy your prizes even though the papercraft cars themselves are pretty simple of course.
- Who uses stamps anymore??
I haven't used stamps for a long time actually, because it's much easier to pay thepostage online and automatically make a shipping label to stick onto your parcal at the same time.
But this time, I decided to use real stamps, with special images from The Netherlands since if you happen to like getting stamps from other countries, I figured it might be a rare opportunity nowadays to get some from The Netherlands.
(btw, did you know you used to have to lick the stamps to stick them onto your letter/parcel? It tasted really horrible... 😖, but they were a bit easier to soak off the envelope in water (after taking out the letter or item you ordered of cours!) These self-sticking ones will come off too in a bowl of water though, if you take your time (make sure the sticky layer has really let go from the back of the stamp stamp (rub carefully with your finger if it hasn't) so it won't stick if you put it in a book between some thick tissue paper to dry flat and straight)
I got the standardinternational Dutch stamps, showing 5 diferent icons of the Netherlands (since the envelopes only needed 3 stamps,you'll get three of them of course). But of course I head to check ! Are the fetured designs really typically Dutch?

- Well the first stamp features a windmill. which yes, is pretty typically Dutch. 😉
- The second one is a bicycle, and as you probably know, in the Netherlands we do ride bicycles a lot: there are more bicycles than people in The Netherlands, which is probably true: in my case for example, every family member has their own bicycle, ánd then there's the extra "family back-up bike" in case one breaks and it can't be fixed right away. 🚴
- THethird stamp features a cow, probably the famous black-and white Frisian ones that are DUtch in originand that give the most milk of any dairy animal in the world, so that we can make lots and lots of cheese! 🐄🧀
- Canal houses: the most famous canal houses are in Amsterdam, but there are very beautiful examplesin otherr cities as well!
- Tulips: the Netherlands are also famous for the huge, colorful fields of flowers each year, the most famous ones are probably the tulips. 🌷
so with that, i guess my first giveaway is rally in the final stage and wil be really over soon. It was pretty fun for me, and I hope to do some more giveaways in the future, probably with some bigger (well, a little bit bigger) and of course, I'll keep making my own papercraftsfor hopefully along time to come, and share theonesI find for free online, so stay tuned! 😊