Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ah, the smell of permanent markers...

After making sure all the parts fit together properly (and fixing those that don't ;o) it's time to give them some colour.

Then, after scanning the parts, I can copy+paste them onto the final templates adding the parts numbers and other info.

And after that, it's ready to be built! But of course before the release, I'll also need to make some instructions. ;o)

Stay tuned!


  1. I like the effect that all your advance wars models have from being colored by hand

  2. ninjatoes, you're an amazing hand designer :O

  3. Haha thanx, but it's a lot of trial and error until everything fits. ;o)

    Originally I didn't want to colour the Advance Wars units using computer graphics because I just liked doing it by hand, and looking at them now I'm glad I didn't, because I also really like the way it makes them look!
