Sunday, January 29, 2012

free papercraft Ace Combat Leopard main battle tank by JianDaoXiao

JianDaoXiao made lots of papercraft Ace Combat units! They used to be on the Electrosphere Ace Combat Skies Forums, but now JianDaoXiao made a Patreon page for his papercrafts, but luckily many of them still seem to be available for free. 😊

Download + build your own free Leopard main battle tank (+lots more, by JianDaoXiao):


  1. it says there is a typo in the link

    1. Hello, it's the same as with the papercraft Fortnite Halloween masks I'm afraid: it's not a typo in the link, it's just that the website doesn't exist anymore... :o(

      You can still see an archived version of the Electrosphere Ace Combat Skies forum post with the papercraft, but you can't really enlarge the the templates to save them:

      It seems that the creator JianDaoXiao has since made a Patreon page, but I think a lot of his papercrafts are still available for free, the Leopard tank seems to be this one:

      Look here for the other ones that seem to be free (there are a lot of them! ;o):[is_public]=true

      Have fun!
