Saturday, November 5, 2011

Young Lara papercraft vignette WIP6

If you look at the official artwork, and the ingame screenshots from The Last Revelation,
you notice a small difference near the shoulders.

In the artwork, young Lara seems to be wearing a sleeveless tank top under her jacket, while
in the actual game, her top does seem to have short sleeves.

You all know what I think of the official artwork so I'm going with the ingame, short
sleeves (I think it looks better, anyway ;o)

I simplified the shoulders themselves, as you can see; it looks a lot smoother this way, and
without all those small angles and pieces, it will be a lot more logical to build.

I mentioned young Lara doesn't carry any weapons, right?

Well, I guess that meant the game designers had some extra polygons to play with, because if
you look closely, you can see that young Lara's hands are a bit more detailed than that of
adult Lara (who as I´m sure you know, does use weapons on occasion... ;o)

I played around a bit with the idea to make young Lara's hand even more detailed (separate
fingers...) but I will see what it will look like as they are. I did add some fingernails on
the textures, because without them, it just looked *too* strange... ;o)

Stay tuned!

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