Monday, August 5, 2019

Papercraft LEGO Monkey WIP 2

The monkey has a tail!

Well, so far my SketchUp LEGO monkey has a tail. As you can see, it's pretty simplified. To really get all the smooth curves in paper form exactly as they are on the real LEGO monkey, would require very different techniques and I like to stick with the (relatively... 😆) simple techniques of my other LEGO papercrafts.

I also started work on the head, which will be by far the trickiest part! I usually trace a scan of the minifig to get the important shapes and proportions right, but I couldn't get a perfect "flat" scan of the monkey's side because its ear sticks out. 😆 So it requires a little bit of extrapolation, but I'll make it work. 😇

Stay tuned!

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