I'm not sure if that's a good idea, because although it's an N64 model, it still requires more than average fixing on the model (and I really wanted to do something simple after Alice...)
The thing is, I'm probably going to make it even worse, because I don't really like the "oh look at me! I'm floating in mid-air!" thing. It's cool for intimidating your enemies, but that totally looses its awesomness when you're just 20 cm tall and made out of paper.
Perhaps I'll change his pose some more, but I'll keep you guys updated on that. First I'll have to play some Ocarina of Time to get in just the right mood.
No wonder my papercraft projects take so long. Goht will have to wait again...
Stay tuned!
I believe that no sounds a good idea,because icthus7 did designed a ganondorf
ReplyDeleteI know, I posted it on my blog when he released it: Icthus7's Ganondorf model ;o)
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started making papercraft Zelda models, I didn't have this "problem", because I was the only one doing it. ;o)
But now that so many other people *are* making Zelda models as well, I hope that doesn't mean I can't do any of the cool ones anymore... ;o)
Don't worry though, it won't be my last model! And I promise for the one after this, I'll choose one that doesn't exist yet. ;o)
Great googly moogly.